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Monday, August 27, 2012

Moving On

It has been a sad summer for us in the fact that two of our dear neighborhood friends have and are moving further then a stones throw away from us. Max and Amanda, who we have known for almost 5 years and whose house we could see from our front window, have fortunately stayed within our same zip code and still reside on the same side of the Mississippi River as us. We miss not being able to run over as soon as we saw them drive into their garage. It makes our view of that corner of our world rather lonely I have to admit without them there. Luckily we can still visit within a 8 min bike ride. The other move of Kai and Ruby June, who we met in our baby ECFE class when the big boys were 3 months old and whom live only 3 blocks away, is a more challenging move, even if it is just one state south to Iowa. With Kai and Soren only being 3 days apart, we have shared many a story about the challenges of parenthood and rejoiced in the joys of milestones achieved. I know the kids will miss each other, but it is the adulthood friendship that I will miss dearly on the daily basis I am used to. We wish then both great blessings in their new homes and look forward to continuing to be a part of this new chapter of their home lives.

Max, Soren, Sevi & Amanda at Fort Snelling Beach
Soren & Max at DQ
Soren & Kai, Sevi and Ruby June
Soren & Kai


moljoe said...

Oh, you are making me cry!! I will miss you so much- you're my dearest and nearest. You'll come visit, right?