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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Our First Hospital Stay

Sevi gave us quite the scare when he ended up in the ER and a two night hospital stay in the ICU due to breathing issues. Ends up he had the Enterovirus that has been going around the Midwest, mostly affecting kids who are prone to wheezing episodes when they have a cold.  Sevi has yet to be diagnosed with Asthma, but certainly has the signs when his breathing gets very labored when he is fighting a cold. He had to be on the nebulizer for oxygen for the first 24 hours, then would receive steroid treatments every 2, 3, then four hours until his breathing could stabilize on its own. He was a champ, never fusing even though he was confined to his room the entire time. He did love having 24 hour access to a TV that was in arms reach. That fact made Soren rather jealous, leaving him the impression that hospitals are all about watching movies all day. In the discharge review, no one mentioned how hard it would be to wean the TV demand once we got home! The staff at University of MN Childrens Hospital were wonderful and we were in good hands. Sevi loved having family visitors, Gramma Anne, Gramma Nancy and Grandpa Henry, Sister Liz and of course Papa and Soren. 

Sevi within the first couple hours in the ER with his oxygen mask.
Sevi in the ICU hooked up to the steroid machine.
Soren visiting and loving the TV access!
Sevi feeling better and making laps around the room with his IV.
After two days finally eating a big meal.