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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

After last years Easter Hunt melt down I wasn't sure I was up for another re-cap of 2013. I was able to use the debacle story from 2013 and the threat of even IF the Easter Bunny would stop by in my favor to ensure good behavior. (If Santa only knew the competition he has for upholding good behavior!) Soren even decided to write an apology note to the Easter Bunny in hopes he would stop at our house. With half the gusto I would have normally put into a hunt, I dug out the crumpled up clues from 2012 with the hopes that the clues had long been forgotten and created the hunt. It was a much more pleasant affair this year. Soren enjoyed reading the clues and our only struggle was holding Soren back to ensure Sevi could find a clue or two. This year the bunny delivered monogrammed bags with a few treats. We then spent the rest of the day at Aunt Lori's home for the annual Lewandowski party and hunt.

Easter Bunny Visit
Soren's note to the Easter Bunny. 
Clue #1.
Sevi finding a clue.
Finding the Easter Bags.
Playmobile, garden gnomes and jelly beans. Hippity and Hoppity are the boys' stuffed bunnies that sit on the table to say "Hi" to the Easter Bunny and receive the first egg clue.
Sevi gathering his eggs at Aunt Lori's.
Adding to his collection. 
The egg bounty.