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Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas....

The boys visiting Santa at Mother Earth Gardens. This year Soren asked for a microphone with a stand. Santa was quick to reply that he could just make his own megaphone with a piece of cardboard. To bad Santa's quick wit was lost on Soren. Sevi, not knowing what to make of any of this Santa stuff, asked for a table.
Sevi decorating the tree. This look of his truly captures his devilish nature that day. I spent most of the day steering him away from the breakables and preventing him from knocking over the tree.
Soren loved every part of the decorating this year. Since we didn't have a tree in England last year, this year was the year it really left an impression on him.
Soren chatting with Mrs Claus at the Macy's Santa breakfast.
Gramma Anne with Soren and the reindeer balloon at the Santa breakfast.
The annual gingerbread event with Gramma Anne (aka Gramma Cookie).
Gingerbread rolling and decorating.
Gingerbread eating!