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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Space Camp Here We Come!!!

Soren and I are off on an adventure that I am not sure yet is crazy or exhilarating. We are driving with Lucy and Isobel (and momma Alex) to Phoenix, Arizona to attend Space Camp at the Challenger Space Center. Once in AZ we will be staying with Wendy who lives right around the corner from the space center. Alex, Wendy and I have been dear friends since we first meet in Kindergarten, so we are starting the cycle of friendship again with this next generation. It has been around 15 years since Alex and I have done this same road trip. This time around while we will be driving in more comfort (a fully decked out Toyota Tacoma with camper vs. an an antique Land Cruiser), it is the three sardined five year olds in the back seat that have us worried!

Lucy, Soren and Isobel in the top bunk of the camper.

The Three Musketeers in back.

Wendy, Andrea and Alex