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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Day to you dear Randy! You will have to ask Randy how his day was, but I bet he will say it was a good one. It started with a 3 hour bike ride, then a gift of these awesome special ordered Minnesota State with a bike theme fabric shirts for all the boys. (Any state can be ordered via Round Bottom Baby.) He actually got to read the Sunday paper quietly - ON A SUNDAY! (The paper usually gets slowly riffled through during the week, ending in the recycling bin to make room for the next Sunday paper.) Then we had a family biking excursion along Minnehaha Creek to Lake Harriet to take in some Samba music at the bandstand while dining on a picnic and chasing the boys around. The day ended over at his best friends house for a beer and pizza on the grill. You deserve a day like this Randy - Thank You for being the amazing Papa you are!