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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Mr. 4 Year Old

Happy Birthday Dear Soren!
This has been a year of many hats for you. You have blossomed into your role of Big Brother. It was tough at first, having to share mama and papa, but now you and Sevi laugh and play like old buddies and we are all a solid team. You have grown so mature this year. You use your words, clearly declaring when you are angry as opposed to the physical outbursts that were common in the beginning of the year. More then anything though you are full of love, always hugging and giving kisses and trying to sneak into mama and papa bed just to snuggle. Your perfect smile melts our hearts.

Your favorite thing of all is dramatic play and now have a nice collection of costumes and hats. For your birthday today you picked out a knight costume to add to your collection of policeman, fireman, construction, marching band, car racer, and african play clothing. You are a big boy now, going to preschool at a place you love, Dodge Nature Preschool. We love how excited and happy you are with your new friends and all the fun things that you explore outdoors at school. You also love the dramatic play area that gets changed monthly, it really is a perfect fit for you. You also love family days (weekends) where we keep busy with music classes, biking, playground explorations, sledding and tunnel digging, and eating out.

We thank you dear one, for your love, your laughter, your great ideas, your flexibility and sense of adventure, and your passion for family teamwork. You are our Best Soren, and we love you dearly.

Hugs and Kisses - Mama and Papa


moljoe said...

This is so sweet-- I love the collection of photos. What a cutie and so full of energy....

Anonymous said...

Wow! 4 years have passed. hold on for another ride around the sun Soren. Happy Birthday and Congrats to mom and dad for hanging on too.

Karen or Rick said...

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

Your pals,
Klara and Nora