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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Joy of Nursing

There are two things I cherish the most about motherhood because of how they personally connect me with my child. It is a form of communication that only a mother can have with her child. The first is the feeling of movement in the womb, the sudden jab or roll, a sign that for me meant that my little one was safe and healthy. The second is nursing. Hearing the long gulps and gratifying sighs of a well fed baby while still latched on. You pop them off the nipple, wipe away the dribble of milk and bubbles, and stare in awe over the blistered nursing smile that tells you thanks for nourishing me.


Unknown said...

Very well said!! And so close to my heart!! As much as nursing can be "inconvenient" at times (i.e. pumping at work), I almost dread having to give it up in a few months. :) I will miss that precious special time with my Jessica! Enjoy EVERY moment!!
- Sue Levin

jackie said...

Hey Andrea,

We are mailing out, finally!, our holiday cards. I don't have your address...can you email it to me:


PS: The boys are aDORable. Sigh.