So far Soren seems pretty excited about the baby. He likes to kiss and hug it and always includes it when he shares things with mama and papa. As we wait for the big push to find out the sex, we sometimes ask Soren what opinion he has on the potential sex. On his own he came up with "It's a Birl" - oh how I love the mind of a toddler!
At naptime and bedtime we let Soren pick one toy/book/object to have in bed with him. This so far has kept him in his bed and not be drawn to his shelves of toys, a challenge that displays great restraint if you ask me. In the past he has chosen anything from a classic toy to a swiffer and Randy's arm brace. This week his object of desire was the balloon he received at Trader Joe's that morning.
Like the first time around, we hit the photo booth to document the last stage of the pregnancy. This time around Soren joined us from outside the belly as opposed to last time. We ran into similar development issues with the photo booth machine: underexposure and cutting off frames, but it still provides a fun visual.
I have to thank the McKinney Family for the new look of our blog. I have been meaning to change and upgrade from the dot pattern and the styles at Deluxe Templates was just what I wanted. Change is good, and with the baby due within a couple of weeks, we may as well start with the blog.