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Monday, December 22, 2008

The Big Bang Botch-Up

Up until this past weekend I had been Soren's hairdresser, before I was stripped of the honor from many well wishing friends and family. I loved the curls that formed with the summer humidity, even if he was often called a girl. I tried to view the style as my little surfer boy look. Then came the cold and the curls went flat, verging on the edge of a mullet. Out came the scissors and with one quick turn of the head and a badly timed snip, the botch-up occurred and now my little surfer boy had turned into a bad version of a Jesuit priest, with a mullet. I tried to fix the mistake, making new snips at least once a week. I gave in to just letting the hair grow and then sought professional help. We made the trek to Kids Hair where Soren was mesmerized by the TV, not flinching a muscle, and out came a perfectly clean boy haircut.

Summer 2008

Fall 2008

Winter 2008


Karen or Rick said...

I have to admit, summer is my favorite, but he IS stylin' in the winter picture. We'll just hop over fall, shall we?

qfam said...

Hah! I left Quinn with his papa one evening while I went out with friends, and I woke up the next morning to find that our little-surfer-dude-styled, often-mistaken-for-a-girl toddler had turned into George Washington with REALLY short bangs (big sideways-facing curls remained over his ears). Admittedly, he was tired of his bangs getting in his eyes, and something needed to be done--just not that. I cried (really! silly, I know), I agonized, the bangs eventually grew out. But now they're getting in his eyes again, and I'd better watch my honey around scissors.

Your little guy is so adorable any which way! Happy New Year to you all. Hope you're really well. --Juliet