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Monday, November 03, 2008

Battle State

We have been in the midst of a big sleeptime battle in the Murrill/Lewandowski household. It all started with Soren's vocabulary increase, tied in with his new found knowledge that verbal manipulation could potentially delay the inevitable. Lately Soren has been restless when it was nap time or bedtime. He would stand up in his crib and demand wa-wer (water), then came the request for milk and cracker. From there he moved on to peepee and poopoo - where he would often get me at that point, but then I caught on. Last came rock - pointing to the chair. When none of these requests were met, he finally took matters into his own hands last week and with a triumphant "OUT", flipped over the crib rail and that was that.

With the hopes that this new act of freedom and it's novelty would soon wear off, we held off while debating over getting a crib tent or going for the twin bed on the floor. But his "OUT" and the thump of his landing only got better and the pitter-patter of feet coming to our bedroom became more frequent. On Saturday we broke down the crib and introduced the Big Boy Bed. With the Big Boy Bed came the door gate, knowing full well we would still need a form of containment. Now, all the internet parenting crib to bed stories warned that kids with this new freedom may likely entertain themselves with their toys. Soren certainly did that, but in the means of wailing each and every toy, book and piece of clothing he could get his hands on over the gate, constantly demanding OUT. He was MAD. This act lasted about an hour the first night, with Soren finally falling asleep on the rocking chair. Tonight it took only 10 minutes for sleep to come, only after all the animals went flying first.

From this......

To This.......


moljoe said...

This is so funny-- you weren't kidding when you said he is dumping everything out in the hall.

Ok, so you probably don't think it's funny..and I will not once I'm in your shoes with Kai some day.

Hang in there!