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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Eliminate That

While we were at the cloth diaper store the other day, Randy got all excited about the Baby Bjorn potty. I took the opportunity to tell him that Soren's buddy Kai has been using the potty rather successfully. Using a potty at such an early age also happens to be part of the elimination communication (EC) training. Randy has up until now rolled his eye's at any EC talk. But when we placed Soren on that cute little yellow potty and Soren went to the bathroom 4 times in it that first day, you couldn't have seen a prouder daddy or bigger believer.


Unknown said...

I like the "straight ahead splash guard" to keep the kid from becoming a garden sprinkler, but once the boy starts hangin' you gotta teach him to piss standing up. At least until he has to live with women and be confused for the rest of his life about the status of the toilet seat. Up, down, what the hell - do women not look first and react accordingly prior to discharge?

Anonymous said...

And then there's Klara who's been peeing in the pot every time we put her on it for almost a year, but who can't remember to tell us when she has to go! Not to mention that she won't poop in the pot - anywhere else seems fair game to her!