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Monday, March 05, 2007

Weekend Adventures

Our weekends lately have been rather full with activities and adventures. We spent this past Saturday at the one year birthday party for"Max". It is great to see the development of our friends' children as we wait in anticipation for Soren's own future milestones. After the party we headed off towards Trader Joes to get some groceries only to realize half way there that as efficient as we have become at packing up Soren and his necessities, we are lacking on our own end with neither of us bringing our wallets. After returning home to pick up the wallets, we spent the evening out for dinner, grocery shopping and even hit an art opening. On Sunday, Soren spent the morning at the YWCA swimming in the pool. He had a marvelous time, swimming for about 40 minutes and even dunked underwater a couple of times. I don't know who had more fun in the kiddie pool area, Soren or his parents trading off going down the water slide.


ametry said...

It's occuring to me maybe he has Randy's eyes and your hair line, Andrea. He's dare cute! Can't wait to visit in a few weeks.