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Thursday, February 22, 2007

First Bottle vs. The Real Thing

Soren is now 6 weeks old and we decided it was time to introduce the bottle. Bracing ourselves for a potential struggle while getting over the guilt of possibly creating real nipple confusion (not the Randy nipple post earlier) - we took the plunge. After a couple of minutes of fussing and Randy's strong will, Soren latched on and drank the whole thing. Now I am happy that the transition was an easy one, but I was a bit sad that Soren adapted so easily. Will this lead to Soren not wanting the real thing? Was I going to loose those tender moments of staring into the eyes of a latched on baby? Look at how adorable little Soren is on the breast - can you blame me for thinking that was lost?
PS - So far Soren still loves the real thing.